For successful typing work in Megatypers project you need to buy boostpack. Boostpack enables you fast typing for 15 minutes when server is slow. If you are fast enough you can solve over 1000 captchas per hour using boostpack.
Recently I faced some problems regarding boostpacks. When you buy boostpack then maybe the captchas won't appear but the timer will be on. Look at the picture:
So, if this happens the way to enable pictures is to click again on the "Start Working" tab. Then the captchas will come really fast.
Also, remember to buy boostpack when the price for it is low like 0.02-0.05, never buy boostpack for high prices like 0.20, the prices are changing each few minutes.
Do you use boostpacks for your typing at Megatypers?
p.s. never click on "ENABLE AUTO-BOOSTPACKS!", it will continue to take off your money from balance!